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Comentarios (9)

Knickman - 24 Julio 04:42

fr , Alquiler de habitaciones en Irún, solo CHICAS, educadas, ordenadas, LIMPIAS, discretas, silenciosas! Lo más importante es que los clientes conoce

Bryan - 14 Augusto 14:57

Она подалась к моему лицу, легко коснувшись грудью моего пениса. Какое это имеет отношение к большим и возвышенным чувствам.

Ringus - 5 Octubre 21:53

Since when is knowing what makes your no-no tingle racist? That's none of anyone's business anyway. By the way, gay men who prefer bears are now sexist because they don't want a femme partner. I hope there are people out there that see that this is BS.

Helmers - 2 Febrero 13:06

Can someone help me explain why someone who is has been drinking cannot give consent? My friend was asking (complaining that if he and another person were dating had a drink or two and then had sex, how that scenario can be rape. I told him that if his partner said he/she was raped then it he/she was probably raped. but how do I articulate the problem with a drink or two? (He understands very drunk or passed out, but not a drink or two in).

Hinchee - 10 Octubre 18:22

i wnt lick you vagina